Coronavirus: How to Be Prepared
Prepare your mind first. There’s still a lot you can do.
Start with the basics. This is not a drill, but behavior change takes practice.
- Strict hand washing before meals, to a 20-sec tune like the ABC’s.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects like door knobs, light switches, handrails. Be sure to sanitize your child’s coats, backpacks, lunchboxes, etc.
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow, not your hands. If using tissue, be sure to wash your hands after you throw the tissue away.
- Developing a little “fresh station” when walking into the house, with a place for dirty items like keys and phones, alcohol swabs/wipes for cleaning them, and hand sanitizer.
- DON’T touch your face.
- DON’T travel if you have a fever and cough.
- Follow CDC guidelines regarding masks especially in areas where COVID-19 community levels are medium to high
- If you or anyone in your family feels sick, call your primary care doctor.
Questions and Answers About Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- Question: What are the common symptoms?
Answer: Cough with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, fever with temperature of 100.4 (if talking to health provider please let them know if this fever was checked or patient just feels warm.), sore throat that persistently is getting worse, gastric-there are some people who have experienced vomiting and loose stools.
- Question: How is it spread?
Answer: From respiratory droplets. Spreads from cough and sneezing person to person. Children and Adults.
- Question: Who is at high risk?
Answer: Those at highest risk are people 65 years or older. Also, keep in mind: infants that are premature, asthmatics, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and Immunodeficiency (because of organ transplants, chemotherapy, HIV, chronic liver or kidney disease and sickle cell disease).
- Question: How do I protect myself and family?
Answer: Wash hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that has 60% alcohol, especial before cooking and eating. Keep your hands away from your face. Don’t share personal items. Use good cough etiquette (cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow). Practice social distancing of 6 feet from other people and do not shake hands. When home, wipe “high touch” areas (door knobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, phones and handrails with a disinfectant a couple of times per day.) Stay up to date with the COVID-19 vaccine which is available for children 6 months of age and older. - Question. What if I come in contact with a sick person?
Answer. At this point in time of the disease process, we can only assume people you come in contact with could have the virus. However, do not panic. Please do not run to your doctor’s office, urgent care or emergency room. Take a deep breath. 1. Do you feel sick and what are your symptoms (see question #1). 2. If you have these symptoms take Tylenol for the fever or discomfort. Drink a lot of fluids. For children not too much juice because it can cause loose stools. 3. If symptoms are progressing especially if there is increased difficulty in breathing such as shortness of breath or chest pain, please call your primary care doctor for further guidance.
If you want more information you can go on line: or
To contact us for health concerns about your child call the office 313-821-3777. If it is after business hours call the same number and leave a message (call not returned if message is not left). The on call physician will return your call.
Updated 1/27/2023